Do Positive Affirmations for Happiness Actually Work?

We all want happiness in our lives. Happiness is one factor that drives us to do things, set goals, and make efforts to achieve them. But more than often, we find ourselves surrounded by negativity.
Normally, we think of becoming happy by achieving personal goals. It could be a job interview that we want to succeed in or maybe something else.
For a person, it is actually effective to focus on positive things now and then because these things steer us in a hopeful direction.
On the other hand, it is very easy to become negative by thinking “I am not good enough so I won’t apply for this job”, “I wish I could speak for myself in front of my boss but I’m such a loser”, I am freaking out because the boss has put me to present the proposal in front of board members and I don’t feel confident”, and so on.
This constant chaos in between good and not good enough can cause serious distress.
On a normal day, many thoughts like that run wild in our head taking away our confidence. The problem with negative thoughts is that they can become self-fulfilling negative prophecies.
Ultimately, we become this person who is hell-bent on not trying new things, ruining interpersonal relations because he/she can’t harness the positive energy, and ending our careers.
This situation can be reversed by having some positive efforts. If you really want to turn your life around, you have got to start somewhere and there is nothing better than having positive affirmation that can make your day positively productive.
Remember, a little effort goes a long way. In this article, we'll see how positive affirmations can impact your life. And what specific positive affirmation sources can help you make better decisions in your life.
What are the Positive Affirmations?
Has it ever occurred to you that you see some positive statement on your way to your office and you felt confident? Well, this is exactly what a positive affirmation is all about.
Positive affirmations are statements that have a positive message in them that can help people overcome their fears, inhibitions, and negative thoughts.
These affirmations challenge people to beat negative thoughts and become the best version of themselves if they start believing.
Do Positive Affirmation Work in Real Life?
At times, we do feel ourselves down in the dark hole where we think that positive affirmations are nothing but wishful thinking, but it can only bring change if you believe in them.
Take it this way that we do repetitive physical exercises to become physically fit, the same way you need to repeat these affirmations for our mind. It will take some time and eventually your perception and actions become positive for every situation.
Is it True that Positive Affirmation Induce Happiness?
It is as simple as that when we choose positive and happy thoughts and set positive intentions to overcome problems to achieve a life goal, we are already beating the negative thoughts and energy around us.
So, even if you are a pretty positive person in your life, seeing a positive affirmation such as affirmations of faith, mindfulness affirmations, courage affirmations, positive meditation affirmations, and good luck affirmations can make your day.
Many researchers have shown evidence that by looking at positive affirmations on a daily basis, people perform better at their work.
Those who have to make high stake decisions can be under a lot of pressure. By looking at a positive affirmation or something that reminds you of your powerful traits can calm your nerves and gives you confidence. It can help you ease up and make the right decision.
Since happiness comes from the inside, you will feel happier when you are doing things that make you feel good. It can be an effort to grow in your career or it can be having a nice dinner with your family where you feel important.
Positive Affirmations and Stress
Having something that reminds you of your best qualities can also reduce stress in many cases. Some studies have proved that when a person sees an affirmation that makes him/her feel good, it boosts the problem-solving abilities, and thus, this leads to successful outcomes.
Benefits of Using Positive Affirmation Posters
There are numerous benefits of positive affirmation- it can reduce stress and has been known to manage mental health as well.
When you hang motivational posters in your home, office, or classroom, they give you the strength to confront difficult times and situations.
These posters can significantly help calm depressed minds. Surrounded by positivity, people seem to have a better mood rather than those who live around negative energy.
If you are somebody that has faced backlash over his or her body shape, having “I am beautiful affirmations” can make you feel good. This way you get the confidence and a boost to become better and strive within you. Studies have concluded that realizing your self-worth has the potential to improve oneself.
How can a Person Add Positive Affirmations in His or Her Life?
Since we have established that positive affirmations do have a connection with happiness, it is time to add positive affirmations in our lives.
Well, there is not any hard and fast rule, but you can think and grow rich affirmations on your own. While creating them, one should focus on a particular area, a particular belief, behavior, or something you are struggling with.
It could be a loss you are trying to cope with, a goal you want to achieve, a behavior you want to let go of, or any other thing apparently. But it has to be relatable and without negativity.
Let’s say you want to create positive affirmations for happiness, so you can come up with a simple one like “I can do this” or “I enjoy my work”. you can have them printed on a poster and have it hung on a wall in your bedroom or the side table.
You can have any religious affirmation on your desk as well. Or you can opt for any daily affirmations calendar that has a different affirmation for every day.
Just remember to pick the one that has meaning to you. You can pair the affirmations with a positive quote or goal setting technique. you can choose to hang it or have it written somewhere where you spend most of your day.
The affirmations are quite effective when you repeat them for a period of time. It doesn’t have to be for a day or week, it should be done for at least a few months before you see a real change.
Using Affirmation Books as an Inspiration
We set ourselves up for success and contentment in all areas of life just for the sake of happiness.
This happiness will reflect back to the life filled with the right efforts and opportunities. What if you could find your affirmations through a positive affirmations book? Yes, there are plenty of books available that can be your source of regular positive affirmation.
Positive affirmation for happiness does work and they have the tendency to change your life for the better.
To use affirmations, first, you need to find the areas that require affirmation. Then come up with positive and thoughtful ones and repeat them for a brief time. you will see the difference by yourself.
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